Mobile Patrols Bristol – Security Patrols Bath
Mobile security patrols can be very useful for covering larger areas, multiple sites or intermittent checks on a building site or business premises.
The objectives of mobile security patrols
Mobile patrols are highly effective when you need to create a deterrent, this is also a cost effective solution when full-time security is not an affordable option. Security patrols main function is to act as a deterrent against would be thefts or vandals on the premises being patrolled.
The effectiveness of the patrol service depends greatly upon the number and frequencies of patrols. This can be adjusted according to the area and risk of the individual property being patrolled.
Each site visit will include a pre-determined or random patrol covering all the access-points, perimeters and areas necessary. There will also be signs placed at strategic points on the perimeter warning that the property is protected by Sureguard Security, all part of the deterrent to potential intruders.
Sureguard operate 24/7 and 365 days of the year, we can provide a highly visual security solution with our Mobile Patrol Service, allowing you to have a uniformed, guarding presence, rather than a static officer. Our highly visible mobile patrol vehicles, driven by a fully uniformed officer can conduct a full external patrol of your premises in or out of hours, at agreed or random intervals.
Each unit, manned by highly competent and skilled personnel, can survey and check your premises, internally and/or externally, at fixed times or at variable/random times.
Our staff are trained to check the fine details and to log any suspicious or unusual activity whilst in full communication with our control centre or with the authorities. This method of patrolling is cost-effective, highly visible, flexible to your demands and an efficient way of increasing your safety and assets.
Each client can have a unique set of services uniquely designed to be cost efficient without compromising any aspect of your security. We will check for signs of burglary, vandalism, fire, food and other emergencies such as power failure. Visually this will act as an effective deterrent to intruders.
How Are The Security Mobile Patrols Carried Out?
With Sureguard Security you get to decide on the route and the key location points you want the security patrol officer to visit.